Thursday, December 11, 2008


The family I nanny for is well aware of my need to make the season bright this Christmas.  I've been bugging them like crazy about when they were going to get their tree...the parents are somewhat indifferent on the whole decorating thing, but with baby's first Christmas right around the corner, I think I convinced them.

Today Evelyn and I spent the morning decorating their new live Christmas tree.  I felt the pressure of making it look acceptable.  With Evelyn bouncing away in her exer-saucer and Vince Guaraldi Trio (the Charlie Brown Christmas) music playing in the background (an early gift from Bret), we set off to work. 

I attempted to wrap 'pin' lights on the branches, which are much more fragile than the sturdy wire branches of my artificial tree, which proved more difficult than I would have guessed.  They hung haphazardly (beautifully, I reminded myself), and I filled in the blank spaces with silver garland.  There was only one box of ornaments to start, so I strung each one with ribbon and hung them gracefully on the leaning branches.  I attempted to mount the angel at the top of the tree, but she leaned towards one side, smiling down on Evelyn (who was quite amused).
AFTER (before additional decorations)

Evelyn's mom arrived home this afternoon and commented on the drunk angel, and handed me a new bag of just-purchased Christmas decorations, and I spent the rest of my time there going crazy and OTT (over-the-top, as the mom says) with the decorations, but baby's first Christmas only happens once, right?!

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