Monday, November 10, 2008

how kiwis eat kiwi

Kiwis are abundant here in their home country, and they're super cheap too.  You can buy an 8 or 10 pack of green or gold kiwis for 3 NZD, which is significantly cheaper than in the United States.  There's even a cool tool that is packaged in each carton for your kiwi-eating enjoyment.  See below:
The kiwi and its special spoon/knife
Simply use the knife to cut off the top of the kiwi...

And then use the spoon to scoop out the fruit!
It really makes eating a kiwi so easy and less messy than peeling and slicing (I always feel like I am wasting half the fruit).  I have often grabbed a kiwi for a quick snack, and they're beginning to grow on me.  Did you know that you can (and we've seen it done) eat a kiwi just like you would a peach?  Skin and all!

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