Friday, November 21, 2008


Yesterday was a lovely day.  A long and productive day on the new job, despite headache and sinus issues, and I was eager to be home before dinner time (which the other job rarely allows).  I made white chili, a favorite recipe from home.  However, I struggle finding the same ingredients here, so when it called for chopped green chiles, I had to buy whole chiles and chop them myself.  I chopped them up, threw them in, and served the chili a short while later.  The chili was incredibly spicy hot (and I love that) but we couldn't even eat it!  The chiles had their seeds in them, but I thought that since green chiles are naturally milder, I didn't think twice when throwing them in.  We tried adding sour cream, brown sugar, cheese, but nothing tamed the spicy dish.  We ended up eating popcorn, licorice, and cookies instead and watching our regular Thursday night television.

The upside was a surprise from Bret.  He had ran to the dairy quick to grab some bread or crackers for the chili (before our failed attempts at eating) and returned with my favorite flowers, which are now vased in a NZ wine bottle.  So cute!

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