Monday, October 27, 2008

Labour Day

Today was Labour Day in New Zealand which gave us the day off of work and beautiful weather. With a high of 71, we decided to go to Sumner, a suburb of ChCh, that is right on the water's edge. The bus ride was lengthy, and very crowded (apparently we weren't the only ones with this great idea), but we finally made it. The beach was so scenic, the weather was perfect, and our picnic was delicious. We lounged in the warm grass while eating, enjoying the scenery of families and dogs. Next, we climbed on top of a rocky crag that overlooked the water and gazed upon the endless beach and snow capped mountains in the far distance. We tiptoed through the cold, damp sand through the caves beneath to find our feet washed over with the crisp, clear waves. I set foot in the South Pacific Ocean's chilly water for the first time in my life, my flip-flops marking their own milestone. They have been in the Atlantic Ocean at Coney Island, the Pacific Ocean in La Jolla, California, and now the South Pacific Ocean in Sumner, ChCh, New Zealand. We soaked up the sun, took in the fresh air, and enjoyed the joyous day to relax.

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